The verses of the song begin with the expression “We love because He first loved us” (1 John 4:19). The song declares at the outset that “God is love”. His love is perfect, flawless, and matchless. He even sent His one and only Son to save our despairing world. For Telok Ayer Chinese Methodist Church, “God is love” is not only a symbolic statement but a missional legacy to be passed on. The second verse explains that holy love personally came to earth (John 1:14), and the Gospels record that Jesus was always moved with compassion for those in need (Matthew 20:34; Mark 1:41). Besides showing compassion, our Lord also took action and sacrificed Himself to help others, even to the extent of laying down His own life (Philippians 2:6-8). The third verse is a prayer, emphasising that we need the Holy Spirit to empower us to love. A Christian who claims to love Jesus must be a Christian with a loving heart, one who is able to love others, because loving God and loving others is like a pair of chopsticks, either of which is indispensable; in other words, we are to love God and love people with all our heart and all our strength. The lyrics mention a cup of blessing, inspired by the drink offered to the thirsty in Matthew 25:31-46. The Lord regards even our small acts of kindness as deeds done unto Him, as long as we try out best to do them.
In the chorus, each line begins with a word that forms the theme “Living Out Holy Love”. The main idea is to imitate Christ, and to have the same mind and heart as Christ (Philippians 2:5), to live out Christ’s love. In the bridge, we are willing to give it our all to pursue perfected lives, in response to God’s love. “Perfected lives” reflects our distinctive Methodist theology, and simply means a life filled with love of God and neighbour. We need to pursue and practice this kind of living throughout our lifetime. As for doing good towards others, John Wesley taught: “Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.” Wesley not only taught believers to do this, but he also devoted his entire life towards practicing the teachings of our Lord Jesus: living among the poor, and doing everything possible to help those in need. For Christians of any era, living out holy love is not an option, but a life we must live in response to the Lord’s love for us!
The song mostly follows the format of a hymn, with the addition of a bridge, thus combining the styles of hymns and modern choruses, and proclaiming that believers “of all generations” should live out such a life. The bridge can help believers, after singing three verses rich with theological content, to digest the message and respond: I will give it my all to live out true love! The music is composed in a Pentatonic or five-tone scale to express a Chinese style of music and to strengthen our sense of being Chinese Christians.