Dr. Benjamin Franklin West
Dr. Benjamin West was a graduate in medicine from the University of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. In 1889, he was appointed to pioneer the Chinese missionary work in Malaya and Singapore. In that year, he set up a clinic in Upper Nanking Street where he catered to the medical and spiritial needs of the Chinese community. There, he also conducted Sunday services, which marked the beginning of Telok Ayer Chinese Methodist Church. To reach out to the Chinese more directly, Dr. West went to Amoy, China to study Hokkien dialect. Besides taking Malay in his stride, he learnt enough Tamil to read the rituals. He served faithfully for 19 years in the Methodist Mission field.
Rev. Hong Han Keng
Rev. Hong Han Keng was born on 5th of July, 1893 in Hui An, Fujian, China. He came to Singapore in 1913 and studied in the Singapore Christian Theological College, which is the present Trinity Theological College. He was ordained in 1932 and became the Senior Pastor of Telok Ayer Chinese Methodist Church where he remained as the Senior Pastor for about 30 years. During his service, he was Superintendent for the South District and the President of the Singapore Overseas Chinese Christian Association. After his retirement in 1961, he continued to preach the gospel and touched the lives of many in cities in Malaysia and Indonesia. He was called home to be with the Lord on 14th of October, 1976. |
Rev. Fang Chao Hsi
Rev. Fang Chao Hsi was born on 14th of May, 1917 in Hui An, Fujian, China. Physically weak since he was a child, Rev. Fang was particularly susceptible to gastric troubles. When Dr. John Sung came to Xiamen to conduct revival meetings, he stayed at their home. While he was there, Dr. Sung encouraged the young Chao Hsi to give his life for the work of God. When later Rev. Fang entered into full time ministry in Sitiawan, his gastric problem was miraculously healed. In 1941, he was appointed to minister at the Paya Lebar Chinese Methodist in Singapore. In 1951, he was back in Malaysia once again and ministered in Seremban. His appointment to Telok Ayer Chinese Methodist Church took place in 1961 and at this church he laboured for a total of 20 years. Rev. Fang retired in 1980 and migrated to the United States. During his 40 years of service to the Methodist churches in Singapore and Malaysia, Rev. Fang served as District Superintendent on both sides of the Causeway. He was involved in establishing several new churches during his years of active ministry. Rev. Fang was called home to be with the Lord on 3rd of October, 1997. |
Rev. Khoo Siaw Hua
Rev. Khoo Siaw Hua was educated in Hong Kong and China. He came to Southeast Asia when he was 19 years old. He was once a teacher in Malaysia and later a businessman in Singapore. In 1952, he was called by the Lord to serve in the Prison Ministry. From then on till his death, he did both counseling and missionary work among the prisoners. As he was conversant in Mandarin, English and a few Chinese dialects, he tool turns to go to the various local churches to assist in their ministries. For a number of years, he was also an LCEC member of Telok Ayer Chinese Methodist Church. He often represented Telok Ayer at various important meetings held by the CAC. He held a few portfolios: he was the chairman of the Christian Association for Singapore and Malaysia. He was also the first President of the Bible Society of Malaysia and Brunei. Acting in the capacity of the Society's President, Rev. Khoo led the local churches in the re-building project. Thanks be to God, a new, modern multi-society building to house the Bible Society was finally completed in 1973, replacing the old and dilapidated building of 1909. Rev. Khoo was not only the "Father of Prisoners", who brought hope and light to those in prison, but also a tireless and faithful minister who brought God's love to people around him. |
Rev. See Ping Eik
In 1986, Rev. See was pastor-in-charge for both Telok Ayer and Paya Lebar Chinese Methodist Church. In 1987, he became full-time pastor-in-charge for Telok Ayer. In the following year, he set up the small group ministry. In 1989, following the announcement of preservation of the church building as a national monument, Rev. See, together with the LCEC and many committed members, put together a plan for the conservation project. The entire renovation works which cost approximately 3 million took 5 years and were completed in August 1995. From 1995 to 1996, Rev. See began his pastoral leadership at the Uniting Church in Australia as a pastor on loan from the local conference. He returned to Telok Ayer in 1997 to continue as pastor-in-charge. In 1998, Rev. See helped the church focus her attention in the area of evangelism. To ensure a balance between quantity and quality in church growth, Rev. See has drawn up 5 purposes for the church, namely, magnification, membership, maturity, membership and mission. In entering the new millennium under the leadership of Rev. See, the church embarked on a new church building project at Telok Blangah named TA2. The new church building was completed in Nov 2004 and dedicated two years later in Nov 2006. Rev. See retired on 31 Dec 2013.