This programme aims to:
(1)Teach the gospel, Christian values and biblical truths
(2)Inculcate submission to the Lordship of Christ and the practice of spiritual disciplines
(3)Discover, develop and use our members’ spiritual gifts and qualities through church ministry
(4)Promote outreach to communities around us such as members’ families,
colleagues, neighbours and the wider society, by imparting God’s
teachings and spreading the love and gospel of Christ.
(5)Nurture Christ-like character in believers at all stages of their lives.
To fulfil these aims, a Church Discipleship and Nurture Committee has
been established to design a range of courses targeted at different
levels, and covering topics that include discipleship, theology, bible
study as well as contemporary Christian living and social outreach.
Talks, workshops and seminars are organised to encourage members to
learn together and apply their knowledge. The committee also looks after
the needs of our church school teachers, and conducts training courses
for them in collaboration with the church pastoral and ministry staff
and the church school.