
“Sing to Him, sing praise to Him; tell of all His wonderful acts”,
Psalm 105.2
Who we are
The Mandarin Choir is a body of individual believers called
to and committed to ministering God’s truth through music. We are made up of young and mature adults who
love to sing and make music for God.
What we do (Our mission)
I. Exalt God through musical expression of His
attributes, His worthiness and His Name (Ps 96);
II. Lead the congregation of God’s people to worship
(1 Chronicles 6:32; Neh 12:27-47);
III.Proclaim the truths of God’s Word through music
in order to edify, challenge, convict and motivate those who hear. (Col 3:16)
When we do
We sing on Sunday morning Mandarin Worship Services, Easter,
Christmas and other times of the year, as needed to support the ministries of
the church
Where we do
We practice and sing in Church and other places as needed to
support the Church ministries
Why we do
To glorify God and to teach and admonish one another
How we do
We practice new songs each Friday night at TA2
Church and present praise offerings on Sunday morning worship services and
special seasonal celebrations;
We provide a channel for believers in our
congregation to use their vocal and music talent in a meaningful ministry;
We encourage and develop a caring and loving
community for God among the choir members through activities such as social
gathering/fellowship, team building, mission and skills development.
If you have any enquiries, please contact:
1. Dr Lily Wong,
Music Director (wong.lily@tacmc.org.sg) OR
2. Dr Peter Kew, Chairman (inhisservice813@gmail.com) OR
3. Ms Dorothea Lim, Vice Chairman (dorothealyxx@gmail.com ) OR
4. Ms Grace Tan, Vice Chairman (gracetansoowoon@gmail.com )